
The future of our children lies in their early mental development. Children need to equip themselves with the “building blocks” of global thinking by optimizing and integrating their left & right function of the brain during the early years. Abacus program aims at enhancing and optimizing the child’s hidden potential such as their imagination, creativity and computation skills to evoke their senses to comprehend. Worldwide the Abacus method of learning has successfully been accepted by students who have got the highest scores in arithmetic due to adoption of the system. 

Abacus Brain Development Course:

Eligibility – Suitable and Ideal for kids between 6-15 years

Duration – 3 months course



– Improves attention and concentration

– Creates judgment skills.

– Brain power improvement

Abacus: Right Brain Development

The Abacus is a tool used in China that not just performs the function of a calculator but also trains and harnesses the potential of the human brain in the process.

Recent studies have shown that the abacus method of mental calculation is effective in the development of the right brain. At first, this idea was only a hypothesis, but the recent development of high-tech machinery has helped provide tangible research data. In this section, we will present information provided by researchers who study the effects of abacus training.

Why Abacus is important?

The Abacus when used over a period of time with practice becomes a mental calculator for children.

The Abacus system of learning involves the harnessing of the left hemisphere of the brain that is logical and the right hemisphere of the brain that is intuitive. This helps greatly in the cognitive skills of a child and also unlocks hidden talent that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Gradually the Abacus tool is withdrawn and the child relies solely on calculating functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division mentally.

It would be very difficult to explain the whole system unless a parent gets to see a kid who has learnt the abacus method of mental education in action. Enroll your kid now to give him or her, a powerful future and a powerful mind.

Key Benefits of Abacus

  • Visualization, hearing and performing are done simultaneously
  • Remarkably improves decision making processes with Speed and Accuracy
  • Many parents have been astonished at the way their young offspring can manage to outperform a calculator (mental arithmetic calculations)
  • Balanced usage of Right brain (Creativity) along with the Left brain.
  • Improves cognitive skills.
  • Improves attention and concentration
  • Boosts learning, Vision and Improves Memory
  • Overall improvement in academic performance observed
  • Enhances the Photographic Memory.
  • Creates Judgment Skills.
  • Enhances the Imagination.
  • Accelerates the speed and Accuracy.
  • Enhance Self-reliance and Self-confidence.
  • Accelerates both the left and right side brain.
  • Helps to Excel in Academic Education invariably in all Subjects.

Abacus Programs 


For Children of age 7-13 Years
Number of levels : 8
Each level : 3 months
Total Duration – 24 Months
Each class : 1 hr 15 min. twice a week / Weekly 2 Hours only
Batch size : 12 (maximum) to ensure personalised attention
Specially trained faculty
Daily practice of 15 Min. essential at home.
Certification at the end of the entire course


For Children of age 4-6 Years
Number of levels : 3
Each level : 3 months
Each class : 1 hr 15 min. twice a week
Batch size : 12 (maximum) to ensure personalised attention
Specially trained faculty
Specially designed colorful training aids to draw the child’s interest
Certification at the end of the entire course


For Children of age 14-21 Years
Total Duration – 6 Months; Weekly 2 Hours only
Daily practice of 15 Min. essential at home
Each Level – 3 Months ; Total – 2 Levels(Optional)


  • Stimulates inquisitiveness from “What” to “How”
  • Promotes a holistic approach to learning.
  • Boosts the child’s confidence.
    Builds team spirit and socializing skills.
  • Develops values.
  • Helps face challenges.
  • Helps enjoy working with numbers.