
Showing 1-5 of 5 results

₹1,500.00 – Onwards

Vedic Math

Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of mathematics based on simple rules and principles, with which any mathematical problem — be it arithmetic, algebra, geometry or trigonometry — can be solved, with practice, orally! It’s set of remarkable techniques enable arithmetic calculations quickly and accurately. Mathematics as taught in schools is

₹7,000.00 – Onwards

Sensory Enhancement Program (SEP)

Who is a genius? And what makes a genius?   A genius is someone who makes higher use of their brain potential. There is a common trait that all geniuses share, that is their right brain’s superior abilities. Hence the difference between a genius and an average person is that genius uses both right and

₹2,000.00 – Onwards

Memory Enhancement & Brain Development

Memory is an important cognitive skill that equips a child to retain what they have learned and experienced and therefore build a future base of knowledge. Children younger than five years of age have difficulty with short- and long-term memory retention. But, as a child progresses into the school years, his long-term memory increases and

₹3,000.00 – Onwards

Career Guidance

Don’t Make Assumptions about Your Own Abilities, take the test and….. Evaluate your potential Measure your skills, personality and abilities Know the Current status of your multiple intelligence (IQ, AQ, EQ, CQ) Best suitable career Best suitable field and stream in studies Life purpose Read More Psychometric tests are widely used … In business schools,

₹4,000.00 – Onwards

Advanced DMIT

What is DMIT DMIT refers to the “Dermatoglyphics multi-scalar Intelligence test” which is a scientific study of the fingerprint patterns referring to the formation of dermal ridges and is a unique Human DNA. Data for this test is the patterns and ridges on the fingers, which are captured by experts, run through our customized and