Vedic Math

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Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of mathematics based on simple rules and principles, with which any mathematical problem — be it arithmetic, algebra, geometry or trigonometry — can be solved, with practice, orally! It’s set of remarkable techniques enable arithmetic calculations quickly and accurately.

Mathematics as taught in schools is designed to scare the child or make it immensely boring. If the foundation of anything is weak, the structure itself becomes weak.

Vedic Mathematics is a blessing to everybody in this day and age when people’s numerical skills are deteriorating as the use of calculators is increasingly commencing at a younger age. Vedic Mathematics’ shorter, quicker and easy to remember techniques enable any student to do calculations faster than they would with conventional methods. Students of Vedic Mathematics dispel their fear of mathematics and gain a new-found confidence to work on any mathematical problem without apprehension.

The most powerful yet modest aspect of Vedic Math is the coherence. Anybody trying to grasp Vedic Math will sooner or later realize that it inter-relates different concept of math into one holistic view. You could be learning a new method to multiply two four-digit numbers and with a slight modification you could also divide the two to get a quotient.

The best aspect of Vedic Math is that it can be learnt by any person of any age, requires no formal training and the only pre requisite to get acquainted with it is ‘willingness’ and a little hard work to practice whatever is being taught.

Benefits of Vedic math:

  • Is useful for everyone – students, professionals, teachers, parents, and the young and old
  • It helps a person to solve mathematical problems 10-15 times faster.
  • A much-improved academic performance in school and instant result.
  • Increased speed and accuracy.
  • Is an aid to crack scholarship and entrance exams
  • A zero-error technique
  • Enhance logical thinking process.
  • Eradicates the fear of Mathematics
  • Sharpens the brain
  • Facilitates a habit of analytical thinking and measured approach towards any problem
  • It helps a person to solve mathematical problems 10-15 times faster.
  • It creates interest towards mathematics.
  • It increases concentration and improves confidence
  • Is a lifetime skill
  • The development of creativity at a young age is helpful towards understanding advanced concepts

Quick Links for Online Classes (5) as below

Vedic Math workshop for Students Workshop Vedic Math Adults Workshop Vedic Math Teachers training Certificate Program Regular Classes for Vedic Math Vedic math for International Students


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  • Price
    ₹1,500.00 - Onwards
  • Instructor admin
  • Duration 3 hours
  • Lessons 0
  • Enrolled 0 student
  • Access Lifetime

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