What is DMIT 

DMIT refers to the “Dermatoglyphics multi-scalar Intelligence test” which is a scientific study of the fingerprint patterns referring to the formation of dermal ridges and is a unique Human DNA.  

Data for this test is the patterns and ridges on the fingers, which are captured by experts, run through our customized and proprietary software to generate a detailed comprehensive report

This DMIT test includes a detailed Multiple Intelligence test, personality test, learning styles, acquiring methods, Career options, choice of education fields and much more. An exhaustive counseling session is done to explain the report and offer suggestions or remedies (if required)

Scientifically it has been proven that no two people can have the same fingerprints in this world. When a child is born, their fingerprints are completely developed and they remain unchanged till the end of life. Medical experts and scientists discovered a co-relation between the formation of the brain and the fingerprints. The amount of brain cells distributed in different parts of the brain helps us understand a person’s multiple intelligences as well as his innate potential capabilities and personality.

DMIT Test is done for kids, students, working professionals to discover their hidden potential/ Talents. DMIT test helps to know one’s IQ, SWOT, Lobe analysis, Career options and Course selection as well as to choose the right hobbies.

DMIT Test help you to save money, time and helps you to take right decision.

A life time report which is a must do only once in a lifetime

DMIT for Young adults/college Students

DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) helps explore the interest and strong areas of an individual irrespective of his or her age. A person’s finger prints are used to determine his or her hidden capabilities that help to choose the right career path.

Students in the country, pressurized by the syllabus and the fear of failure, often end up taking extreme measures. And even if exam stress is handled somehow, it is the stress of finding the right course and college that becomes the next big headache haunting both the students and their parents. Students often end up depending upon their parents and teachers for career guidance based on their experience and the limited trends they have seen over their life span. It is in times like these that professional guidance and career counseling is needed and could prove to be the game changer for a student who’s standing at the most important crossroads of his/her life.

DMIT package is specifically pertinent to Young adults. They are at the crossroads where they have to take crucial decisions. By knowing their innate potential they may choose the right streams for themselves. They may systematically pursue suitable professional or vocational courses instead of choosing it by hit and trail. They may work upon their personality trait improvement by carefully selecting their areas of improvement.

We, Talent Synergy, aid candidates to understand and figure out what’s best for them and also help to combat exam stress by focusing on learning style. The software uses fingerprints to generate a report that helps candidates understand their abilities and suggests a career path best suited to their abilities. These biometric scans assists student to identify their native strengths, weakness, characteristics, left and right-brain dominance, which ultimately leads to the question of what is their career choice? The highly researched science behind analysing fingerprint patterns to do brain mapping has helped people of all age groups across various fields.  One should opt for a course and subsequently a career where both interest and aptitude match up. And DMIT helps a student to make the perfect choice.

IN short DMIT can be a useful guide for young adults who can learn about their likes and dislikes and how they can improve their strengths or weaknesses.  DMIT will reveal the strength they possess and to guide them to perform better at work.

DMIT for Children

DMIT Test for Children is a very Important Parenting Tip. 

This is the complete Brain analysis which is uniquely adaptive, instinctive and responsive based on their needs and skill sets. 3 to 10 years is the age of ideal education which must be holistic and should facilitate guidance based on their learning styles.

DMIT test provides a scientifically proven assessment program that takes into account every child’s unique potential. DMIT Report Provides Right Parenting Tips towards developing of specific core expertise from childhood.

Benefits of DMIA Test for Children

  • Know your child inborn talents and natural character
  • Identify your Children innate abilities
  • Understand best learning style for Your Child
  • Customize the learning programs based on Child learning style
  • Improve the relationship between children and parents
  • Understand the right parenting techniques and teaching style
  • Select the Activities based upon their Multiple Intelligence and innate abilities 

For Toddlers (Age -1 to 4)

From birth through about age three there are vast numbers of connections and collections being recorded in the brain.

Benefits of DMIT Analysis: 

Knowing a toddler’s potential at the early age help parents to make decisions on parenting styles and educational methods. Parents can place their child in courses or pre-school where its curriculum suits the child’s inborn learning style. Provide your children with a happy childhood

For Children Age 3 to 12 Years

From age three through twelve the brain begins to prune the excessive synapses in an attempt to get organized and eliminate what is not necessary.

Benefits of DMIT Analysis: 


At this age, Children are curious to learn and they can absorb more than they will when they grow older. Discovering their learning styles and areas of intelligences at this age gives a clue on what courses and activities they should spend more time on. To eliminate the ‘trial and error’ situation when parents send their child to a certain class (i.e. art class or music class) without knowing if the child is capable to comprehend


For Teens 

The teenage years consist of more aggressive pruning the excess synapses as the brain begins to specialize and build an identity.


Benefits of DMIT Analysis: 

Discovering learning styles at this age can better enhance one’s learning experience. It also serves as a guideline on what type of courses one should take. Dermatoglyphics report is a very important guideline for a child to refer when choosing university major that best suit their inborn abilities and potential. Boost children’s self-confidence and Strengthen Parental Bonds


For Parents to understand 

DMIT is particularly relevant to children and their education. It is a tool through which the parents can learn:



  • That every child is unique and possesses in-born talents, strengths & Weaknesses.
  • that proven methods may help in assessing their child’s potential
  • that this will end their guesses about their child’s capabilities and will give them certainty on child’s innate strengths
  • that this way they will not misunderstand their child for his/her acts and doings
  • that they will be able to reason out their child’s behavioral pattern
  • that they may effectively nurture their child for the talents that he/she has and may adopt suitable learning style from the very beginning that will gradually form the habit of studying and grasping subjects in that manner



DMIT for Corporates

Organizations to be successful need to employ people with right skills in the right functional areas.  DMIT reveals the built-in traits and virtues of the person and hence it is very useful for the organizations to optimize manpower resource management. It can be very useful in selection of business partner.

Good job match is a big factor to great performance. DMIA Test done for your Employees will help your organization to optimize the complete spectrum of human resources processes, from choosing the best candidate to fill up a position towards identifying gaps & focusing training attempts on areas that require development. DMIA Test for Corporate Employees could also be used to measure the effectiveness of skilling and workshops by using a pre & post test of each employee.


Benefits for Corporates can be summarized as follows 

  • Pre-employment screening
  • Find the exact right person for your right job.
  • Discover employees’ possibilities, maximizing efficiency & effectiveness.
  • Evaluate your current manager’s performances & core competencies
  • HR training & development based on Employee Abilities
  • Know your employee Leadership Style and qualities
  • Know your internal abilities your employee’s
  • Reduce operating cost & maximize corporate value.
  • Know your employee Personal Quotients IQ-EQ-AQ-CQ-
  • Know your employee Planning and delivery style
  • Develop all-star employees.
  • Reorganize the employed pool for high productivity.
  • Entrust your staff member who has got the most potential.
  • Improve human resources & customer management more efficiently.



  • More effective human resources.
  • Placing right person at the right place.
  • Reduces cost, increases healthy competition and create better corporate value.
  • Happy and dedicated employees give better performances.
  • Deserving and preferred work encourages better performance.
  • Reduces frequent inflow and outflow of employees.
  • Consistency and stability in employees creates healthy bond in employer and employees and gives cost effective betterment in performances.
  • Activities to encourage employees to improve their weaknesses help better use of talents and strength of the person.
  • Reduces cost and energy in trial and error in placement

DMIT for Adults career guidance 

Dermatoglyphics is one of the best and most reliable human profiling systems.
It is Unfortunate that most of us have little sense of our talents and strengths, much less the ability to build our lives around them.

Talent Synergy offering you a combined Package of Advance DMIT + Self Analysis Test 
This test is very helpful in selection of the right career path

This test can be a very good reference for those who intend to make a career change, to venture into new business or to pick up new skill/education.



Self-analysis and realization of worth 

You are more likely to achieve your life dream if you make use of Advance DMIT Test + personal Analysis Test and discover your talents for Career Opportunity.

This Test Package is a useful technique that will help you to realize Career Opportunity. What makes Advance DMIT Package especially powerful is that it will help you uncover possibilities that you may not otherwise spot. And simply by understanding your Personal Strength and Weakness, you can handle and eliminate risks that might usually hurt your capability to move forward. 

Whenever you take a look at yourself with this Test, for you can begin to separate yourself from your associates, and further build the specialized skills and abilities you have to advance your career opportunity


Climbing the ladder of success 


Benefits of Advance DMIT Package Test

  • Completely understand your Strength and Weakness (Self Analysis)
  • Understand your all natural character traits.
  • Know your Opportunities and future Threats
  • Identify and improve your core competencies.
  • Assess your own personal IQ, EQ, SQ, AQ, and CQ.
  • Develop acceptance & comfort simply by better communication.
  • Plan in advance ahead to attain your goals & live your desires.
  • Recognize the best learning and management styles.
  • Improve your own relationship with your loved ones.
  • Invest smartly in suitable personal development programs.
  • Know your passion to get living and bring back dreams to the fore.
  • Discover your personal capabilities and select right profession path.

DMIT Parent


Parenting or child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the aspects of raising a child aside from the biological relationship.

A parenting style is a psychological construct representing standard strategies that parents use in their child rearing. The quality of parenting can be more essential than the quantity of time spent with the child. For instance, a parent can spend an entire afternoon with his or her child, yet the parent may be engaging in a different activity and not demonstrating enough interest towards the child.

Parents are given logical and cogent explanation on how they should avoid suppressing their children due to misunderstanding about child’s exhibited conduct. This way, children will become open and will form the habit of sharing with parents. Parents are informed about the annotations on the theory of multiple-intelligence and are counseled to target on the development of chtalentand potential. 

Parents can learn:

  • That every child is unique and possesses in-born talents, strengths & Weaknesses.
  • that proven methods may help in assessing their child’s potential
  • that this will end their guesses about their child’s capabilities and will give them certainty on child’s innate strengths
  • that they will not misunderstand their child for his/her acts and doings
  • that they will be able to reason out their child’s behavioral pattern

that they may effectively nurture their child for the talents that he/she has and may adopt suitable learning style from the very beginning that will gradually form the habit of studying and grasping subjects in that manner

Components of DMIT Parent Training

DMIT Parent Training presents simple facts for the benefit of Children. The Training has different sections that highlight various facets of personality.

You will learn and understand one’s personality profile which is based on Dr. Moulton Morston’s DISC profile clubbed with Dr. Gary Couture’s bird profiling known as DOPE profile. It then informs about one’s brain dominance to determine whether a person is left brain dominant or right brain dominant. This will help in knowing if a person is creative and emotional or analytical and logical. 

It depicts eight types of multiple intelligences to portray one’s innate qualities to establish one’s potentiality and preferences. 

The report touches the aspects of learning style and acquiring style to illustrate how much a person is receptive towards auditory, visual or kinesthetic ways of grasping information. 

It further throws light on quotients like IQ, EQ, AQ or CQ which is reflective of a person’s abilities. These quotients highlight a person’s analytical & communication skills, pressure handing abilities, leadership qualities, managerial capabilities and emotional bend etc. The Training session describes all these in detail with lot of supporting data for interpretation.

We help you to understand the best parenting style for your children.

Positive Parenting Course:

Eligibility – must be parents / guardian
Duration –  3 hour session/seminar
Benefits: – 

  1. understand your kids better 
  2. Develop a good relationship with kids
  3. Become a Successful Parent
  4. Learn key points of Positive Parenting
  5. You can start your own business also!

Frequently asked Questions

What is DMIT (Dermatoglyphics multiple Intelligence Test)?

Dermatoglyphics (derma = “skin”, glyph = “carving”) is the Scientific study of fingerprint and hand patterns. These patterns are unique and are connected with one’s genetic composition. The formation of ridges on the fingers takes place between 13th week and 19th week of pregnancy along with that of the brain. These are directly related to our nervous system and reveal the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents.
In other words, Dermatoglyphics can reveal out innate characteristics and talents. Dermatoglyphics has been studied for years in the medical fields, especially when it comes to genetically-linked diseases. 


What is Multiple Intelligence?

Multiple-Intelligence is a scientific Method of understanding Brain Lobes and its usages
Dr. Howard Gardner introduced 9 Multiple Intelligence in his book called Frames of Mind
Every person has a minimum of 9 Multiple Intelligence
Everybody has different ratios of Multiple Intelligence.
Anyone can discover their Inborn Multiple Intelligence from DMIT Test

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test is a combined scientific study of Brain Lobes, 9 Multiple Intelligence and Human Psychology with the help of fingerprints.


What is the Relationship between Fingerprints and Brain Lobes?

Fingerprints truly are closely associated with the infant’s brain development. Fingerprints are usually developed during the 13th to 19th week of an embryo. Brain starts to develop inside the embryo from 13th Week. In fact it gets formed by 24th week. Many research papers have got elaborated with link between fingerprint patterns and Human Brain lobes.

Fingerprints and Brain Lobes

  • Brain Lobes can be analyzed depending on formation and number of ridges present in the finger prints.
  • Medical experts confirm that each person’s finger prints are unique.
  • Fingerprints demonstrate different types of characteristics, even identical twin babies also have different characteristics
  • The syndication of fingerprints is recognized as representation of human brain cells.
  • Fingerprint development depends on proportion & distribution of brain lobes.
  • Children with learning difficulties will vary fingerprints in comparison to talented children’s

History of Dermatoglyphics

  • The research of Dermatoglyphics is more than 200 yrs. old.
  • Dermatoglyphics was mainly used to find skilled sportsmen for Olympics Games in 1970s.
  • Dr. Harold Cummins is acknowledged as Father of Dermatoglyphics.
  • He studied almost all aspects of fingerprints analysis.
  • Dermatoglyphics was used to Find Genetic diseases with the help of fingerprint patterns


History of Multiple Intelligence Test

Multiple Intelligence was proposed by Dr. Howard Gardner in 1983.

Multiple Intelligences (MI. Theory) was developed for Education and Psychology Problem Solution

Every Child is born with different types of Multiple Intelligence. Parents and Teacher Should discover it.

The DMIT Test has assisted lakhs of School, college students in Indonesia, German, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

Are fingerprints a reliable source of information?

Fingerprints are unique, unalterable and never change throughout the life. Fingerprints are not affected by any external or internal factors like environment or mood, making them most reliable and stable for any tests


Is DMIT like Palmistry?

Absolutely Not.  DMIT test does not do any fortune telling and is a structured and scientific process.  DMIT is based only on the striated patterns of the fingerprint and the same are congenital and unchanging. The science of the study of fingerprints is very robust. It decodes the brain based on scientific set of assessment tools.

This report is your biology and not your destiny. The test gives you reasons to excel in life rather than finding excuses for not doing something. It can help to shape your destiny but that would depend on how we use this information

Does DMIT have scientific and Medical basis?

DMIT is based not only on scientific and medical research, but on Psychological research also. 

Dermatoglyphics is based on many scientific findings from the field of psychology, anthropology, dermatoglyphics, embryology and statistics.  Observations, contrast, recording, contrast; inductive learning methods coupled with clinical experience is what has enabled DMIT to advance. The process incorporates counseling sessions and offers guidance and remedial measures on developmental needs.

How accurate is DMIT?

Dermatoglyphics multiple intelligences test is scientifically proven. The data acquisition process is computerized enabling very high accuracy of over 90% and rarely does the accuracy fall below this rate. 

How is DMIT helpful to me? 

Every child is unique and has in-born talents and potential. There is synchronization in the formation of striate and brain lobes during 13th to 19th week in fetus in mother’s womb. 

Through DMIT, we can understand the innate characteristics and aptitude, learning styles for better understanding, strengths and weaknesses, Brain quotients (IQ, EQ, AQ, CQ),  the relative strengths of our multiple intelligences and based on all these the best fields and streams of studies and also career. This helps us taking action on our strengths and our areas of improvement. 


For whom is this DMIT?

DMIT is for everyone from a toddler to a teenager to an adult 

Toddlers (age 1-4): knowing a toddler’s potentials at an early age help parents make decisions on parenting styles and educational methods and it also help them to choose the right school & right directions for the little ones. This is the time when you can alter their inborn intelligences and improve the weaker intelligences.

 Children (age 4-12): Benefits of DMIT: At this age, Children are curious to learn and they can absorb more than they will when they grow older. Discovering their learning styles and areas of intelligences at this age gives a clue on what courses and activities they should spend more time on.

 Teenagers & Young Adults (age 12-25): Benefits of DMIT: Discovering learning styles at this age can better enhance one’s learning experience. It also serves as a guideline on what type of courses one should take. This is the stage where you can decide about your careers.


I am already settled in my life. Why do I need this?

The results of DMIT would help you understand yourself better, discover your potential, learning style and multiple intelligences. This will allow you to harness your strengths and become better at whatever you are currently doing. It also helps in preparing your future plans in terms of job change or profile change etc. It can be one of the guiding lights for your entire life, both professionally and personally. It can also help you be better at relationships. 


What about other methods of intelligence testing? Is it same as IQ test?

No other testing procedure is either as comprehensive or as stable. This is a biometric test and does not require a pen and paper, nor does it require understanding of any language. There can be no bias or variation due to mood or emotion of the person. The results will remain the same for her entire life.

DMIT is not an IQ test, where “IQ” can be simply summarized as a simple test which takes into consideration only logical and mathematical intelligence test.

DMIT is striate test of multiple intelligences include linguistic intelligence, logical and mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, body – kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, introspective intelligence, and last but not least naturalist intelligence which is include in the eight intelligence

How does your Intelligence Testing compare to the IQ test?



Biometric capture, hence no manipulation

The results can be manipulated

No classification hence no emotional or cultural impact

Results may bring emotional, cultural impact

No questions and no use of language. Can be done immediately after birth

Results based on the understanding of the question and language

Tests multiple intelligences

Does not test overall intelligence

Emotions and moods do not matter since it is a Biometric capture

Result will vary due to mood or emotion

High Stability

Low stability


What happens during the DMIT? How is it done?

DMIT is done through the use of fingerprints of the hand. All 10 fingerprints are taken for analysis. The whole process, usually takes about 20 minutes. (Minutiae are not captured and the fingerprints are automatically destroyed after analysis). Trained experts take the fingerprints and the same are than sent for analysis.

The analysis is IT enabled but needs expert analysts to conduct the process. Once the fingerprints are uploaded, our analysts take over the process and use our state of the art analysis system to complete the process. After analysis, a detailed 50+ page report is generated and given. At that time, a counseling session is given to explain the report and how to use the same, as it is a Lifetime report. 


What assessments are done in DMIT?

DMIT package does the assessment of our innate potentials. It tells about our brain dominance meaning the potential of our left or right brain, our personality type based on DISC and DOPE profiling, distribution of innate intelligences in percentile, suitability of learning style and acquiring style, the four quotients, career options, training needs and much more.


What kind of assistance is offered by you?

We offer assistance to parents, young children, students, working professionals and individuals. These sessions have different impacts on different individuals. Improvements are suggested for parent-child interaction and communication. Students may understand on the professional and vocational courses that they may pursue on the basis on their innate potential. Organizations and Professionals may explore their training needs and area of improvement. Individuals may use it for leading a happy life by knowing themselves. There could be better understandings in relationships when the other person’s basic characteristics are identified.


Is my report good or bad?

This is not a blood test or even an IQ test which would be good or bad. This is an insight into your congenital abilities and hence it is able to help you understand yourself better. If utilized correctly the report helps you go from being good to great.


Benefits of DMIT Personal Self Analysis Test

  • Completely understand your Strength and Weakness (Self Analysis)
  • Understand your all natural character traits.
  • Know your Opportunities and future Threats
  • Identify and improve your core competencies.
  • Assess your own personal IQ, EQ, SQ, AQ, and CQ.
  • Develop accepting & comfort simply by better communication.
  • Plan in advance ahead to attain your goals & live your desires.
  • Recognize the best option learning and management styles.
  • Improve your own relationship together with your loved one.
  • Invest smartly in suitable personal development programs.
  • Know your passion to get living and bring back dreams through the past.
  • Fully understand your partner Character traits, Values & Characteristics.
  • Discover your personal capabilities and select right profession path.
  • Reorganize your individual loved one’s correspondence character.