Pranic /Energy Healing 

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Pranic /Energy Healing 

Just like you need a shower, your energy body needs regular Energy Cleansing and healing 

Energy healing is the way of the future. It is using light, color, sound and vibration to restore balance, soothe the emotions, gain clarity of mind and it is done in a nurturing and loving way. Energy healing is simple, fast, effective and non-invasive. It can be performed for anyone anywhere in the world, for in the spirit realms we are all connected and are part of One Infinite energy that is God.

Energy Healing is an energy “no-touch” healing system based on the fundamental principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself. Energy Healing utilizes “life force,” “energy,” or prana to accelerate the body’s inborn ability to heal itself. It is also called Pranik healing It is practiced by hundreds of thousands across the world.

Energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body’s subtle energy systems to remove blocks. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body’s inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated.

Life force simply means energy. All matter in the universe are made up of energy. It is not just about our physical body we are talking about here. Even, our thoughts and feeling are also energy waves which actually can be measured through proper instruments.


Energy healing is a no touch and no drug healing therapy. It has cured various aliments from the root like fever, diabetes, knee pain, arthritis, spondylitis, asthma, migraine, blood pressure, kidney stone, thyroid etc. It also extends to psychological aliments like work stress, depression, anxiety, fear etc. It’s applications have shown miraculous results in relationship healing, increasing the focus and concentration of kids, solving Business problems, Addictions etc. 

Energy healing can be powerful and can have many uses.

  • Improved health and increased stamina
  • Inner peace and happiness
  • Better memory and concentration
  • Rapid spiritual growth
  • Reduced stress
  • Better interpersonal skills
  • Greater self-esteem
  • Attain the ability to attract good luck and become more prosperous

Positive, healing intentions sent through love, kindness and compassion can transform your energy field and in turn make you feel more at peace, in tune and healthy.

Energy Healing awaken energies that bring resilience, joy, and enthusiasm to your life.  Our specialty treatments balance the energies & chemistry in the body, regulate hormones and increase vitality of the body, mind, and spirit! Our practitioners provide a variety of treatment techniques that can assist in relieving trauma on all levels of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual being. 


Chakra Reading 

In a session the practitioner will scan your chakras (energy centers) and energy fields. Information he perceives is shared throughout the session. Sessions are performed in comfortable treatment rooms and clients are fully clothed. No touch involve in this Therapy 

The process helps to uncover distorted energy patterns, as well as creating a space for healing. While individual experiences are very different, dramatically positive results generally occur.  

Chakras are energy centers. It is no longer mystical how it affects the health and emotional wellbeing. It has been studied and proved by science multiple times. Most people know of the 7 main Chakras that are in the human body. Each of these Chakras governs certain organs and body systems. It is important to have these energy centers balanced and free of blockages. Life Force Energies

Chakras are centers of life force energies that are linked to vital points in our body. As the chakras spin, they vibrate with energy, balancing our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health. When the Chakras are unbalanced, it is manifested as symptoms in the mind, body, or spirit. The goal of chakra balancing and cleansing is to realign the seven major chakra centers and to return to the natural flow of energy.

Each client may experience a chakra balancing session differently. If a chakra is holding deep emotions, the person may feel an emotional release resulting in laughing or crying. Relief from physical pain may also be attained. Most people report feeling relaxed and peaceful after a session

We are Psychic Healing Experts specializing in Love Restoration, Career depression, Marriage Repair, Reuniting Lovers, and Relationship Renewal using natural healing methods and energetic channeling. Our methods are non-forceful and very positive and will not work against free will.

Chakra Cleansing & Balancing

Even though there are 100s of Chakras there are seven main ones that are typically dealt with when it comes to healing.

These are the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra.

The Chakras begin at the bottom area of your spinal cord at the coccyx bone and then travel along up the spinal cord to the very top part of your head.

Learn about your Chakras!!

Your chakras are the seven major life forces within you to help pull the positive and negative energy through you. When you do not maintain them they can become out of balance, can spin backward, close, be hurt and get traumatized. Chakras are like teeth, you wouldn’t go a day without brushing your teeth you should not go a day without cleansing your chakras.

Here at the Chakra Centre, we are committed to teaching you how to cleans and maintain your chakra on your own through meditation, diet, exercise, and spiritual guidance. By using these tools we can work together to bring out the best YOU!

The goal behind all spiritual practices is to reach a place of balance between spirit, body, earth and health, universality and grounding. Below are a few fantastic techniques used to clean and heal the Chakras.

Even though there are 100s of Chakras there are seven main ones that are typically dealt with when it comes to healing.

The Chakras begin at the bottom area of your spinal cord at the point of the coccyx bone and then travel along up the spinal cord to the very top part of your head.

Learn about your Chakras!!

Your chakras are the seven major life forces within you to help pull the positive and negative energy through you. When you do not maintain them they can become out of balance, can spin backward, close, be hurt and get traumatized. Chakras are like teeth, you wouldn’t go a day without brushing your teeth you should not go a day without cleansing your chakras.
Here at the Chakra Centre, we are committed to teaching you how to cleans and maintain your chakra on your own through meditation, diet, exercise, and spiritual guidance. By using these tools we can work together to bring out the best YOU!

Chakra Cleansing & Evaluation 

Before Balancing we first must do a 7 day cleanse and on the 8th day you get the first balancing

Chakra Balancing 

Chakra Balancing start at — per session and can go up depending on if your chakras have any blocks, need healing, are closing, closed, spinning backward or have had trauma.

These are the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra.

The goal behind all spiritual practices is to reach a place of balance between spirit, body, earth and health, universality and grounding. Below are a few fantastic techniques used to clean and heal the Chakras.


Aura is the energetic force that surrounds your entire being. It is a magnet that draws in and repels all of the emotions, psychic debris, and energy that swims around you. It is important to cleanse your aura to raise the vibration of your body as we go to a public place or meet a new person, in office, the coffee shop we affect our aura with negative environments subconsciously and it clutters your aura and it starts attracting various diseases such as anxiety, depression, body ache, headache, allergies. By doing aura cleansing people feel light, uplifted, happy and free from negative attachments so that they attract positive energy into their life.

Aura Cleansing

We will clear and restore the aura, eliminate negative cords and give protection.

How to know my aura is affected ?

There are several sings/symptoms that tells you that you are not in a positive zone. For example After a meeting or being in a public place makes you feel sad, exhausted, drained emotionally or you get a headache. During a conversation, you feel exhausted and walk away.

How many session of aura cleansing required?

Some need one session and some need several session to detach themselves from negative attachments from their lifetimes.
The perfect healing session for you and your loved ones! Order the Gift of Deep Energy Healing session!


In the healing session, Aura and Prime Chakras will be Cleaned, Purified, Energized, Balanced and Healed! I also provide Detailed report, expert counselling & techniques as per your need! 🙂 Feel free to message for queries.

Crystal Healing 

For thousands of years, people have used crystals to release physical, mental, and spiritual blockages. As they come from the Earth, they can help you to connect to the healing energy of our planet, making you feel more calm and balanced. You don’t have to be spiritual to enjoy their benefits, which are many – each one offers unique properties that can heal various aspects of your life.

Details about Crystal Therapy


Various crystals and minerals are placed on or around a fully clothed person to induce deep relaxation, release stress and pain, and promote energy balance within the physical and subtle bodies. The treatment takes around an hour and crystals may be used singly or in patterns. They are placed on sites of pain, on acupuncture points or meridians, or on subtle energy vortexes called chakras.

How does the Treatment Work ?

Crystals absorb, focus, direct and diffuse our energy fields to enable a diseased or out of balance body to find it’s natural energetic rhythm once again. The appropriate crystals can be placed on the seven main chakras, which look like different coloured spinning wheels of subtle energy, running up the centre of the torso. These link the subtle energy fields of our aura with our emotions, glands, organs, physical body parts and subtle and physical circulatory flows. 

WHY Crystals?


Crystals have the ability to hold and emit energy vibrations. When a crystal is put in a watch the battery sends a constant charge through the crystal. The crystal absorbs the charge, and then releases it at such a precise rate it is used to make the watch keep perfect time. Crystals affect our electro-magnetic energy fields or subtle bodies which surround and permeate the physical body. These include the etheric, emotional and mental bodies, which are collectively called the aura.


  • Boosting Energy. …
  • Clearing the Mind and Optimizing Health. …
  • Remove Creativity Blocks. …
  • Relieve Stress and Anxiety. …
  • Letting Go of Anger and Resentment. …
  • Improving Your Career. ..
  • Remove Pains and negativity .
  • Bringing Abundance and Prosperity. …
  • Protecting Against EMF.
  • Cultivating Love 

Get benefit from Energy Healing and get all the Prime Chakras Cleaned, Purified, Energized, Balanced and Healed! you feel greatly Happy, Healthy and Refreshed.

Read More /FAQ

What is Chakra

The word chakra comes from a Sanskrit word which means spinning wheel, or vortex. Chakras are centers of energy, situated at the midline of our body. These energy centers, or chakras, function as valves or pumps, regulating the flow of energy through human’s energy system. Their function is to vitalize the human physical body and to bring about the development of your self-consciousness. The chakras are not physical – they are more dense than our auras but not as dense as our physical body. They are associated with human’s mental, physical and emotional interactions.

When all chakras are in balanced (which is recommended), our instincts would work well together with our thinking and feelings. When they are not in balanced, some chakras can be found over-active whereas the others are under-active (not open enough). Some people claim these energies look like lotus flowers while others said they appear similar to the blades of a fan.

These circles of energy which flow through our entire body assist in the running of our mind, body and soul. If a chakra is not performing well or correctly, this will cause our mental health, physical health and our spiritual selves to suffer.

There are 7 primary chakras with about a hundred smaller secondary chakras. These smaller points are often called as meridians. There are also chakras on the soles of our feet and in the palms of our hands. While there are countless chakras in our body, below here are the main 7 chakras up the spine of human body.

  • Root Chakra
  • Sacral Chakra
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Brow Chakra (Third-Eye Chakra)
  • Crown Chakra

Energy troubles in our aura are a reflection of what is going on in our life, but the root cause of the troubles can be found in our chakras.

The chakra system is intimately connected with the endocrine system. All of our senses, all of our possible states of awareness, all of our perceptions, everything it is possible for us to experience, can be divided into 7 categories. And these categories each can be associated with a particular chakra. They represent not only particular parts of our physical body but also particular parts of our consciousness.


What is Aura ?

Aura is a sort of energy field that surrounds every object in the universe; humans, organisms, animals and even objects have an aura. It was also known as an electromagnetic field or some people call it Human Energy Field that covers the human physical body. The auras that our body emit have different densities that enter and exit through the body and this energy is often in an oval shape (therefore it is called an auric egg). It surrounds us in all directions.

Some people can see auras and some people can’t, but whether it is magical, physical or mystical, auras are a part of everyone. It is said that children are very good at seeing and experiencing the aura. A healthy person will usually have an aura that covers his or her whole body, from above the head to below the feet. An aura is made of seven interrelated layers and each layer has distinct and unique frequencies. These layers interact and relay information between human body through its seven chakra energy centers, as well as the immediate external environment. The energies from the chakras produce the auras.

Each of the layers relates to the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional conditions of an individual. Energetic vibrations of our feelings, thoughts, awareness, state of health and past experiences are stored in our different aura layers. The outermost layer of an aura’s energy field could extend anywhere from 5 – 7 feet from a person’s body, depending on his overall health and well-being. Spiritual, emotional and physical health affect the size of the aura.


 Seven Layers of the Aura

  • The first field is called the etheric aura. It spans about half an inch – 2 inches from the surface of the skin and holds information about our physical health. This layer connects primarily with our first chakra, our organs, glands and meridiens.
  • Extending about 1 – 3 inches from our body, the emotional layer of the aura holds emotions and feelings. This is the vehicle through which we experience feelings as well as emotional life. It is primarily connected to our second chakra. Being constantly changing, the second field of aura reflects our current mood. This field can appear somewhat muddied when negative feelings and emotional blocks are present. Problems in this layer can have a negative impact at some point in the third and first layers.
  • The third aura is known as mental layer. Being connected to our third chakra, It extends anywhere from 3 – 8 inches from our body. This layer contains our thoughts, ideas and mental processes. Both the conscious and unconscious minds are active – it never rests unless we are meditating. In this layer, ideas and thoughts are rationalized and validated.
  • The fourth layer is called the astral layer which spreads out about one foot. It is associated with the heart chakra, creating and metabolizing the energy of love for people around us as well as the world. If the first three layers of our aura reflect the physical nature and presence, this fourth layer is the window to our spiritual nature.
  • The etheric template is the fifth layer, protruding about two feet outward, the aura connects with the fifth chakra, sound, communication, vibration and creativity. This layer serves primarily as a carbon copy of our physical body on the spiritual plane. The throat chakra is the power of transforming our thought into word, listening as well as taking responsibility for every action. It represents the divine spark and bears our High Self.
  • The sixth aura reflects our subconscious mind. It is known as the celestial layer which extends about 2 – 3 feet away from our body. It is where our physical mind comes to connection with the spiritual mind through devotional practices and meditation. We arrived at this state thruogh meditation and inner work realising that there is actually no separation between all other being and ourselves. This layer also holds the experiences of having a connection to something greater than ourselves.
  • The last layer is called the causal layer or ketheric layer. This layer can extend to over three feet which surrounds and holds all other layers together. Vibrating at the highest frequencies, the seventh layer reflects all the experiences and events that our souls have undergone. The ketheric layer is the link to “God”, “Source”, “Creator” or “All That Is” and becoming one with the universe.

Is the healing permanent?


Just like you need shower daily, you need regular healing/energy tune-up. 1 shower doesn’t provide permanent cleansing as your body get dirty & contaminated on daily basis. The same way, energy body also get dirty & contaminated on daily bases. How long the effects last depends on your environment.


Can I book this session for my loved one?


Yes, you can. It would be one of the best gifts you could ever give to them. When you gift someone a healing or help them achieve good health, you also earn good health Karma!

Will it help with Anxiety, Stress, Depression, phobias?


Yes, it will but it will take multiple sessions for complete recovery. When the energy damage and chakral imbalance is huge, the need for healing is also huge. In just one session one may feel a certain relief but for proper recovery, a course of sessions will be needed

How will I identify Changes after healing ?

Most of the subjects feel the difference instantly, some may not. Most of the work is inner work and if you are aware enough, you’ll surely see the difference. There’ll be many micro-level changes likes Change in thoughts, improved tolerance etc. Focus on what’s ‘improved’ to see more changes

Is Reiki and Pranic Healing the same?

Reiki and pranic both are energy healing system. Though both use different techniques, they use the same source of energy to heal. The main technique used in pranic is cleansing and energizing whereas in reiki the practitioner channelises divine energy.