What is DMIT?

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What is DMIT

DMIT refers to the “Dermatoglyphics multi-scalar Intelligence test” which is a scientific study of the fingerprint patterns referring to the formation of dermal ridges and is a unique Human DNA.

Data for this test is the patterns and ridges on the fingers, which are captured by experts, run through our customized and proprietary software to generate a detailed comprehensive report

This DMIT test includes a detailed Multiple Intelligence test, personality test, learning styles, acquiring methods, Career options, choice of education fields and much more. An exhaustive counseling session is done to explain the report and offer suggestions or remedies (if required)

Scientifically it has been proven that no two people can have the same fingerprints in this world. When a child is born, their fingerprints are completely developed and they remain unchanged till the end of life. Medical experts and scientists discovered a co-relation between the formation of the brain and the fingerprints. The amount of brain cells distributed in different parts of the brain helps us understand a person’s multiple intelligences as well as his innate potential capabilities and personality.

DMIT Test is done for kids, students, working professionals to discover their hidden potential/ Talents. DMIT test helps to know one’s IQ, SWOT, Lobe analysis, Career options and Course selection as well as to choose the right hobbies.

DMIT Test help you to save money, time and helps you to take right decision.

A life time report which is a must do only once in a lifetime .